West Bend School District

The West Bend School District (officially West Bend Joint School District #1) is a school district in Wisconsin serving the city of West Bend, the villages of Jackson and Newburg, and parts of the towns of Polk, Trenton, and Addison.[1]

As of November 2009, the district served 7100 students, making it the 17th largest in Wisconsin by population.[2]


High schools

Although the district has two high schools, East and West, they share one building. The high schools have different students, teachers, principals, and sports teams, but share an auditorium, music department, gymnasium complex, and natatorium. In athletics, both East and West participate in the Wisconsin Little Ten Conference. The mascots for the schools are the West Bend West Spartans and the West Bend East Suns. Each school has about 1200 students.[2]

West Bend East

West Bend East is home to the Suns. The school's colors are maroon and gold. East has been noted greatly for their academic achievements, appearing in Newsweek's top U.S. High Schools list for several years now.

West Bend West

West Bend West is home to the Spartans. The School's colors are blue and white. The School was ranked 899th for the 2010 Newseek top U.S. high schools list.

The two high schools were formed in 1970, but proposals for merging the schools have been raised continually since the 1980s.[3][4][5][6]

For all incoming freshmen without any older siblings, the determination as to which school a student attends is made using birth dates. Students born on even-numbered dates attend West Bend East. Those born on odd-numbered dates attend West Bend West. Since there are more odd dates than even, students born on Jan. 31, March 31, and May 31 also attend East. Students with siblings already in high school follow their eldest sibling so that all children from a family attend the same high school.[7][8]


High schools

Middle schools

Elementary schools


Notable alumni


External links